Poinsettia Parade

Holiday staple and favorite of mothers everywhere!
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You definitely should have this information in case Christmas dinner gets awkward December 12th is Poinsettia Day Poinsettias are part of the Euphorbiaceae family The scientific name of the plant is Euphorbia pulcherrima Contrary to popular belief the plant parts of the poinsettia are not poisonous. Research done at Ohio State University confirms that an obscene amount must be ingested before posing a health risk. Although the sap of the poinsettia may cause irritation to those with a latex allergy and may cause mild irritation and upset stomach to pets. The poinsettia is Native to Mexico where it is a perennial shrub that will grow 10-15′ tall.
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The showy colored parts of Poinsettias that most people think of as the flowers are actually colored bracts which are modified leaves. The yellow flowers, or cyathia, are in the center of the colorful bracts.
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The plant drops its bracts and leaves soon after those flowers shed their pollen. For the longest-lasting Poinsettias, choose plants with little or no yellow pollen showing. The colors of the bracts are created through “photoperiodism”, meaning that they require darkness (12 hours at a time for at least five days in a row) to change color. Poinsettias contribute over $250 million to the U.S. economy at the retail level
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They are the best selling potted plant in the united states. California leading in production. It is estimated that women account for 80% of poinsettia sales worldwide Be sure to share this with your family at dinner and our blog/pages/podcast! Merry Christmas Friends http://extension.illinois.edu/poinsettia/facts.cfm